This page lists publications for the past 3 months from members of the SWOT science team. Links are provided, if available. If you would like a copy of a colleague's paper, please contact the author.

Also see the American Geophysical Union special collection, "Science from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Satellite Mission."

For older publications, please search the All Publications database.

January 2025

Author(s) Citation
Vinogradova, N.T., Pavelsky, T.M., Farrar, J.T. , Hossain, F., Fu, L. A new look at Earth’s water and energy with SWOT, Nat Water (2025), doi: 10.1038/s44221-024-00372-w.

December 2024

Author(s) Citation
Carli, E, Siegelman, L, Morrow, R, Vergara, O Surface quasi geostrophic reconstruction of vertical velocities and vertical heat fluxes in the Southern Ocean: Perspectives for SWOT, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(9), e2024JC021216.
Hwang, C.,Yu, D. Transforming coastal mapping from space., Science 386,1222-1223 (2024).doi:10.1126/science.adu0697.
Ichikawa, K., Noda, J., Sakemi, R., Yufu, K., Morimoto, A., Onishi, H., Pokavanich, T. Sea Surface Height Measurements Using UAV Altimeters with Nadir LiDAR or Low-Cost GNSS Reflectometry, Remote Sensing, 16, 4577. doi: 10.3390/rs16234577.
Liu, G., Smith, G.C., Gauthier, A.A., Hébert-Pinard, C., Perrie, W. and Shehhi, M.R.A Assimilation of synthetic and real SWOT observations for the North Atlantic Ocean and Canadian east coast using the regional ice ocean prediction system, Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, p.1456205
Mazaleyrat, E.; Tran, N.; Amarouche, L.; Vandemark, D.; Feng, H.; Dibarboure, G.; Bignalet-Cazalet, F. Analysis of high-frequency sea-state variability using SWOT nadir measurements and application to altimeter sea state bias modelling, Remote Sensing 2024, 16(23), 4361
Oms, L., Messié, M., Poggiale, J.C., Grégori, G., Doglioli, A., Fine-scale phytoplankton community transitions in the oligotrophic ocean: A Mediterranean Sea case study, Journal of Marine Systems
Samelson, R. M, and J. T. Farrar Models of the sea-surface height expression of the internal-wave continuum, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 54, 2099–2117. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-23-0178.1.
Srinivasan, M., Tsontos, V. Satellite Altimetry for Ocean and Coastal Applications: Promoting and Supporting Applications User Communities, OCEANS 2024 - Halifax, Halifax, NS, Canada, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS55160.2024.10753925.
Webb, D.J. On the response of the Equatorial Atmosphere and Ocean to changes in Sea Surface Temperature along the Path of the North Equatorial Counter Current, EGUsphere [preprint], doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2024-3560.
Yu, Y., Sandwell, D. , Dibarboure, G. Abyssal marine tectonics from the SWOT mission, Science 386,1251-1256 (2024). doi:10.1126/science.ads4472.
Zhao, Z. Internal Tides From SWOT: A 75-Day Instantaneous Mode-1 M2 Internal Tide Model, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2024JC021174.

October and November 2024

Author(s) Citation
Chelton, D. B. A post-launch update on the effects of instrumental measurement errors on SWOT estimates of sea-surface height, velocity and vorticity, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., Vol. 41, 41, pp 865-888, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-24-0035.1
Guérin, A., Piras, F., Cuvillon, N., Homerin, A., Le Gac, S., Maraldi, C., Bignalet-Cazalet, F., Alves, M., Rey, L. Description and In-Flight Assessment of the POSEIDON-3C Altimeter of the SWOT Mission, Remote Sens. 2024, 16(22), 4183; DOI: 10.3390/rs16224183.
Hart‐Davis, M.G., Andersen, O.B., Ray, R.D., Zaron, E.D., Schwatke, C., Arildsen, R.L., Dettmering, D., Nielsen, K. Tides in Complex Coastal Regions: Early Case Studies From Wide-Swath SWOT Measurements, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL109983, 2024, DOI: 10.1029/2024GL109983.
López Weibel, C., Walker, E., Szupiany, R., Venturini, V., Segura Ellis, J., Oberg, K., García, C.M., Diaz Lozada, J.M., Zaffaroni, P., Jobbagy, E., Minear, T. Evaluation of SWOT Water Surface Elevation Product Along the Middle Paraná River, 2024 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina (ARGENCON), San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ARGENCON62399.2024.10735715.
Maalouly, M., Lapeyre, G. Berti, S. Impact of ageostrophic dynamics on the predictability of Lagrangian trajectories in surface-ocean turbulence, Physical Review Fluids, 9, 104503, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.104503.
Salameh, E., Desroches, D., Deloffre, J., Fjørtoft, R., Mendoza, E. T., Turki, I., Froideval, L., Levaillant, R., Déchamps, S., Picot, N., Laignel, B., Frappart, F. Evaluating SWOT's interferometric capabilities for mapping intertidal topography, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 314, p. 114401, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114401.
Ubelmann, C.; Dibarboure, G.; Flamant, B.; Delepoulle, A.; Vayre, M.; Faugère, Y.; Prandi, P.; Raynal, M.; Briol, F.; Bracher, G. Data-Driven Calibration of SWOT’s Systematic Errors: First In-Flight Assessment., Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 3558. DOI: 10.3390/rs16193558.

September 2024

Author(s) Citation
Ardhuin, Fabrice and Molero, Beatriz and Bohé, Alejandro and Nouguier, Frédéric and Collard, Fabrice and Houghton, Isabel and Hay, Andrea and Legresy, Benoit Phase‐resolved swells across ocean basins in SWOT altimetry data: Revealing centimeter‐scale wave heights including coastal reflection Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL109658, 2024.
Cai, T., Zhao, Z., D'Asaro, E., Wang, J., and Fu, L.-L. Internal tide variability off Central California: multiple sources, seasonality, and eddying background Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2024JC020892, 2024.
Kachelein, L., Gille, S. T., Mazloff, M. R., & Cornuelle, B. D. Characterizing non-phase-locked tidal currents in the California current system using high-frequency radar Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2023JC020340, 2024.
Srinivasan, M., Tsontos, V. Satellite altimetry for ocean and coastal applications: promoting and supporting applications user communities. Proceedings of the Oceans 2024 Conf., Sep. 23-26, 2024, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Paper number 240424-041.
Zaron, E. D. and Elipot, S. New estimates of baroclinic tidal sea level from lagrangian drifters and satellite altimetry. J. Atm. and Ocean. Tech., 41(8):781--802, 2024.